Every vehicle owner on the road deserves the best budget OBD II scanners the market affords. But, how do you know which will serve you and which will serve the manufacturer? Here, I’ve outlined the very best and affordable options as tested, through the years.
The Best Car Battery Tester (One Winner, Several Reasons)
If you’re in the market for an automotive battery tester, forget all the other options presented. Take the Ancel BA101 – it’s the best car battery tester you can currently buy. However, don’t take my words for it: look at the reasons I offered and you’ll agree with me.
Foxwell BT705 Battery Tester Review (12 & 24 Volts)
This Foxwell BT705 Battery Tester Review is detailed and leaves no stone unturned to get to the root of this tester and share with you all you need to know before you commit. If you take your time to read it, buying what will serve is sure.
TopDon TopScan Review: A Scanner That’ll Shock You!
Few OBD II scanners have the size, convenience, price & power of the TopScan. However, before you commit, there are issues most reviews don’t mention. My TopDon TopScan Review chronicles them all to help you make an informed decision.
Ancel BM300 Pro Battery Monitor Review (6V, 12, & 24V)
This Ancel BM300 Pro Battery Monitor Review is geared at one thing and one thing alone: present the the good, the bad and the ugly of the monitor to enable you decide if it’s the right option for you. Hopefully, this review helps you decide, with facts.
Is Ancel a Good Brand? An Honest, Straight Answer
Someone recently asked me: ‘Is Ancel a good brand?’ I replied with an ‘I don’t know’, careful not to say what isn’t exactly true. However, when I reflected the next minute, it dawned on me that I’ve used Ancel’s products enough to answer. This, here, is my FINAL response.
Foxwell NT301 Review: A Big Bundle of (Good) Surprises
I’ve owned many code readers during my time as a DIY mechanic but none excits me as this basic option from Foxwell. The code reader beat all my expectations and somehow, managed to have me bringing it out more than I should. In this Foxwell NT301 review, I share why.
Konnwei KW850 Review: A Great Size & More
There are very few basic code readers that are bigger and more intimidating than the Konnwei KW850 – it is a monstrous unit that curiously, is built like a tank. The billion dollar question is: should you buy it? This is what the Konnwei KW850 addresses – to the best of my ability.
Ancel BA101: The Battery Tester You Should Own (Right Away)
From buying new starter, deep cycle, marine batteries etc to detecting when you need to change them so as not to be stranded, the BA 101 battery tester remains a game changer. It’s what CarFax is to used cars and your only regret would be not coming across it sooner. Honestly.
Ancel AD 410 Code Reader Review After 5+ Years
The Ancel AD410 OBD II scanner is one tough little code reader that does what it is designed for perfectly. With minor flaws (that aren’t deal breakers), this solidly built unit is suited for life in the glove box. Before you buy however, make certain that you know what to expect.